
Thursday, December 28, 2006

Happy Holidays!

Sorry it's been so long since I have blogged. Being sick really took the wind right out of me! I am feeling much better but the husband is still a bit sick this I think is week 5 or 6 for his illness. I am convinced he has had several colds back to back.

The husband and I had a very wonderful holiday this year. It was very low key and relaxing, which we very much enjoyed, since next year will probably be crazy with baby's first christmas and all the family wanting to take part in that event. by far I think the baby made out with the giftage this year. It's amazing how much stuff you can justify buying when "it's for the baby" but in reality lets face it a lot of it is really for the parents.

This weekend we will visit the parental units a bit for the husband's birthday and for an extended family Christmas.

Our Outdoor Holiday Lights

Our Christmas Tree
(That ball of gray fur is the cat playing with her catnip toy from her stocking)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Sickness and Computer Woes

Well I am about 1 week into my battle with a nasty cold virus. Oh such fun while expecting. So if you don't hear from me in a while that is probably why. When I am not coughing up a lung, I am just trying to breathe, rest, and keep the house a decent humidity to help both the husband and myself feel better.

On other fronts we are battling with home cooked meal deficiency. Since I am in no shape to either go grocery shopping or cook you can imagine that meals in this sick household are kind of sketchy. LogoAnn did come over the other day and helped to harass me into drinking a decent amount of OJ and water. Now I just need to convince her to come over and harass me more often while I am sick, especially since the husband will be going on work travel next week.

The computer front: My laptop is deciding more and more to be unreliable and just plain nasty, so my online presence may be a bit sketchy for a while, so please bear with me until I get the technical difficulties straightened out.

Please send out healthy antibody vibes! I can't wait to feel better soon!