Would anyone notice if I killed my boss?
I absolutely hate my boss's snarky rude comments. He says he want's me to be "more in touch with our remote offices". Well I talk to them all frequently and I can't help them when they don't tell me anything!
Today my China consultant mentions the need for a new computer in our Beijing office. Before I even get to respond to his email - my boss send me an email saying:
"This request from ______ is the thing I was talking about when asking you to be more in touch with our remote offices to make sure their office needs are being met.
What a complete jerk! I don't even think he realizes how snarky he is being he actually thinks he is giving me helpful constructive criticism!
So maybe he will disappear someday and I won't have to listen to his attitude or maybe I will dissapear. Either way one of us will have to disappear becasue otherwise I am going to have to do something drastic like hire a hit man or quit. I guess quitting would be better than the hit man . . .
BTW: I actually created a new email folder named "My Boss Being An Ass" just for this email.
Today my China consultant mentions the need for a new computer in our Beijing office. Before I even get to respond to his email - my boss send me an email saying:
"This request from ______ is the thing I was talking about when asking you to be more in touch with our remote offices to make sure their office needs are being met.
What a complete jerk! I don't even think he realizes how snarky he is being he actually thinks he is giving me helpful constructive criticism!
So maybe he will disappear someday and I won't have to listen to his attitude or maybe I will dissapear. Either way one of us will have to disappear becasue otherwise I am going to have to do something drastic like hire a hit man or quit. I guess quitting would be better than the hit man . . .
BTW: I actually created a new email folder named "My Boss Being An Ass" just for this email.
Wow. You're on the verge of being a "disgruntled employee."
logoANN, at 8:08 AM
Oh, and I'd change the name on that folder. Make it an anagram only you would understand or something.
logoANN, at 8:08 AM
I agree...at least give the boss a nickname, like a$$face or something.
Zegi, at 9:03 AM
i am so enjoying these posts, in retrospect. we might even be able to laugh about this some day.
Anonymous, at 12:39 PM
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