The Lure of Starbucks
Starbucks is so evil! Why do I want yummy pastries and cocoa or caramel apple cider from there anyways? I'll tell you why it feels like a little affordable indulgence. I don't buy diamonds for myself everyday but I can justify a cocoa with whipped cream on top and maybe feel extra special with a peppermint shot too. Or I can feel decadent with an apple fritter or both decadent and health conscious with a piece of low-fat blueberry bread. Evil - pure evil! I wish the powdered Nestle's cocoa that I brought to work in my tupperware felt so decadent!

Two words...
Mocha Frapaccino
logoANN, at 8:49 AM
Strange as it sound although I frequest Starbucks - I don't drink coffee or coffe flavored beverages.
neonapple, at 11:10 AM
Hello! I said MOCHA frappacchino
logoANN, at 6:48 AM
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