Yarn Explosion! / Knitting Olympics Day 11
So I went to Stitches West this past Saturday with a coworker. I spent ALL of my budget and then some! In my defense it wasn't ALL yarn I did buy a super huge basket just for my yarn stash. The convention was super fun - like going to the mothership of all yarn stores. My biggest complaint was that there weren't a ton of cool notions to check out and purchase. I know these things are small and at large cons that kind of inventory can be hard to keep track of and prevent shrink but still you can do it if a seller displays them properly like in glass cases and such.
So becasue of this two of my wish list items (a beaded row counter and a sheath for my scissors) want by the wayside in favor of really cool self striping sock yarn, yarn to finish the kitty's christmas blanket (which still isn't done but she has been sleeping on it needles and all anyways), some yarn for the adult size version of the sweater that I am currently making for the Olympics, and a pattern for another spring time sweater that features a Berroco Ultra Silk (I can't wait to work with silk!), and a knitting journal to keep track of all the FO's (finished objects).
All in all it was a very successful con but I definitely reccomend only going with cash because your CC and debit card only get you in trouble at these things. I easily could have spent $500 or more if I didn't only have cash!
In the Olympic Child Sweater event arena -- The redone back is now complete again (since I ripped it out and started over), the front is done and has a very twisty cable and has a hole for the neck too. Now I have to seam up the shoulders so I can work on the arms. I am currently having trouble seaming. Don't get me wrong I can sew but you try to make it look like it's all one piece! It's not as easy as you might think! I ripped out my seams 5 times last night and got so pissed that I told the husband that I couldn't talk to him because I was so upset! I was trying to use my Stitch 'N Bitch book for the matress stitch but I kept F***ing it all up! I finally had to go to bed at 2 am and just leave it alone! I WILL GET THIS DAMN THING DONE - I WILL!!! I WILL!!!! I really want my gold metal so much I can taste it!
Olympic Sweater prior to shoulder seaming

So becasue of this two of my wish list items (a beaded row counter and a sheath for my scissors) want by the wayside in favor of really cool self striping sock yarn, yarn to finish the kitty's christmas blanket (which still isn't done but she has been sleeping on it needles and all anyways), some yarn for the adult size version of the sweater that I am currently making for the Olympics, and a pattern for another spring time sweater that features a Berroco Ultra Silk (I can't wait to work with silk!), and a knitting journal to keep track of all the FO's (finished objects).
All in all it was a very successful con but I definitely reccomend only going with cash because your CC and debit card only get you in trouble at these things. I easily could have spent $500 or more if I didn't only have cash!
In the Olympic Child Sweater event arena -- The redone back is now complete again (since I ripped it out and started over), the front is done and has a very twisty cable and has a hole for the neck too. Now I have to seam up the shoulders so I can work on the arms. I am currently having trouble seaming. Don't get me wrong I can sew but you try to make it look like it's all one piece! It's not as easy as you might think! I ripped out my seams 5 times last night and got so pissed that I told the husband that I couldn't talk to him because I was so upset! I was trying to use my Stitch 'N Bitch book for the matress stitch but I kept F***ing it all up! I finally had to go to bed at 2 am and just leave it alone! I WILL GET THIS DAMN THING DONE - I WILL!!! I WILL!!!! I really want my gold metal so much I can taste it!

It looks very cute so far...
logoANN, at 1:10 PM
Yes, olympic-medal worthy cute!
I could easily spend 500 on crafting projects, too. The Girl's quilt probably has racked up to about 150 by now. Shh! Don't tell The Husband!
Zegi, at 8:59 AM
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