Knitting Olympics!

Here's the deal . . .
- Pick a challenging Olympic knitting project (something challenging to you not impossible)
- Start your Olympic knitting project during the opening ceremony of the Olympics
- Watch coverage of the Olympics and knit - knit - knit - you are GOING FOR THE GOLD HERE
- Imagine NBC doing a spot on the progress of your project, how hard it was to choose the project which is only overcome by the challenge of choosing the yarn - THIS IS BIG KNITTING DRAMA HERE
- Finish your project before the end of the closing ceremony of the Olympics
- Wear your Olympic knitting project proudly - you are a Knitting Olympian!
if you are in San Francisco at:
Thursday, February 9, 2006
3897 18th Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
Oh - so you say you don't knit? You quilt, crochet, sew, scrapbook . . . you get to have a whole different Olympic crafting event! Woo hoo!
What is the NeonApple Knitting Fund? I don't know, it sounds like a scam. How do I know this won't just be going to your Starbucks addiction?
logoANN, at 6:53 AM
I had the same question? Who gets the donation? BTW, the socks are awesome.
Melissa, at 1:49 PM
The donation would go to buy yarn and knitting supplies. Although I sometimes knit at Starbucks I promise I woudn't buy a cocoa with the funds.
After all - I have people requesting me to make them scarves, mittens, and hats, and I don't ever have anyone saying "here let me get the yarn" -- after all you are going to spend hours and hours of work knitting and then give the item away.
So help support the homemade knitted crafts movement!!
neonapple, at 8:44 PM
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