Day 14 UPDATE - Knitting Olympics Golden Finish
As I was waiting for the women's ice skating long program last night I finished the neck on the Olympic Sweater. At this point it was almost 8pm and I just couldn't see myself crossing the finish line on Thursday night. I know -- I know --I threw it down and predicted a Thursday evening finish.
Well I grumbled and I moaned and then I paced our living room floor. I was dreading the seaming. I fully admit that maybe I whined a little too much. But then I saw the first skater for the long program. The Italian woman who was just happy to be there skating her long program even with no hopes of being in medal contention.
It was then that I had a brief moment of Olympic clarity. I can do this - I am after all an Olympian! I made a bargain with myself - I will only knit during the commercials. The mattress stitch really wasn't that bad and once I got going there was no stopping me. Then I decided that I could keep stitching during the non-medal skating competitors and still watch. I am a talented multi tasker after all. By the time the Americans came up for their skate I had to put the Olympic Sweater down. How could I not watch Emily or Kimmie or Sasha? So then I decided I would only work on the seams during non-American skaters. This blew up in my face big time because I really wasn't paying as much attention to the Japanese skater who eventually won the gold. But in my solace I take heart in the fact that in my Olympics we won not just one Silver medal for Sasha's performance but also a Gold FOR ME! That's right I did it. I pranced around the living room and proudly showcased my work to both the husband and the cat, who were both in awe I might add.
So I am an official Gold Medal winning Knitting Olympian! I want my Gold Medal! Oh Yarn Harlot queen of the Knitting Olympics send that Gold Medal picture for my blog site, so I can proudly display it for all time.
You can all say you knew me when I was a nobody -- just a nameless faceless knitter among millions -- becasue now you can say you officially know a Gold Medal Winning Olympian!
Olympic Sweater finished at 11:59pm on
Thursday, February 23, 2006

Top: Finished Olympic Sweater
Top Middle: Cable Detailing
Bottom Middle: Kitty couldn't wait to have her Olympic moment too
Bottom: My brilliant mattress seaming
Well I grumbled and I moaned and then I paced our living room floor. I was dreading the seaming. I fully admit that maybe I whined a little too much. But then I saw the first skater for the long program. The Italian woman who was just happy to be there skating her long program even with no hopes of being in medal contention.
It was then that I had a brief moment of Olympic clarity. I can do this - I am after all an Olympian! I made a bargain with myself - I will only knit during the commercials. The mattress stitch really wasn't that bad and once I got going there was no stopping me. Then I decided that I could keep stitching during the non-medal skating competitors and still watch. I am a talented multi tasker after all. By the time the Americans came up for their skate I had to put the Olympic Sweater down. How could I not watch Emily or Kimmie or Sasha? So then I decided I would only work on the seams during non-American skaters. This blew up in my face big time because I really wasn't paying as much attention to the Japanese skater who eventually won the gold. But in my solace I take heart in the fact that in my Olympics we won not just one Silver medal for Sasha's performance but also a Gold FOR ME! That's right I did it. I pranced around the living room and proudly showcased my work to both the husband and the cat, who were both in awe I might add.
So I am an official Gold Medal winning Knitting Olympian! I want my Gold Medal! Oh Yarn Harlot queen of the Knitting Olympics send that Gold Medal picture for my blog site, so I can proudly display it for all time.
You can all say you knew me when I was a nobody -- just a nameless faceless knitter among millions -- becasue now you can say you officially know a Gold Medal Winning Olympian!
Thursday, February 23, 2006

Top: Finished Olympic Sweater
Top Middle: Cable Detailing
Bottom Middle: Kitty couldn't wait to have her Olympic moment too
Bottom: My brilliant mattress seaming
"Metal" or "Medal"?
Congratulations, honey! I love you!
Anonymous, at 3:59 PM
Only you would spellcheck my blog mom!
neonapple, at 8:42 PM
AWESOME! congratulations!
And now in obnoxious commentator style, I'll ask: and how does it feel?
Zegi, at 8:20 AM
Congrats Amata- I knew you could do it!!!!!!
brooklynnut, at 5:54 PM
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