Our First Halloween in the New House & Exciting News
Well we survived Trick-or-Treat in the new house. Our neighbor told us to be prepared for a hoard of kids, so I purchased enough for 200 Trick-or-Treaters. We gave out 1oz. containers of Play Doh and LifeSavers candy for the older kids.
We had rave kid reviews for the Play Doh! Numerous times groups of kids would run away from the house yelling "We got Play Doh - We got Play Doh!" Even some parents commented that it was a unique idea. I just didn't want to give away as much candy to the little kids. I figured that Play Doh would be a fun and safe treat without the sugar rush.
LogoAnn ended up coming over to help is handle the crowds of costumed kids. We even had scary Halloween music playing outside which I think may have scared a couple of kids.
All in all I figure we had about 125 kids. All the Play Doh was gone by the end of the night and most of the candy too (aside from the candy we actually ate - ok and the few containers of Play Doh we saved for ourselves). So all in all I'd say for a rainy Halloween we had a pretty successful Trick-or-Treat. I can't wait to decorate for Halloween next year!
Oh by the way - you may have noticed the official linking of my two blogs "NeonApple" and "NeonApple Baby Makin' ". If you haven't yet please check out the other site - the link is listed on the right of your screen. Exciting things are on the way there. First of all YES we are expecting and we are officially telling anyone and everyone at this point. Second - the baby may have a prenatal moment of fame. And Third - We find out in 2 weeks who is in there a boy or a girl. So stay posted and check each web blog often. I want to keep the info separate since I'd like to think I have more of a life than than just being pregnant. Not that expecting isn't enough already. I'd just like to think it doesn't consume every fiber of my being even if it actually does.
We had rave kid reviews for the Play Doh! Numerous times groups of kids would run away from the house yelling "We got Play Doh - We got Play Doh!" Even some parents commented that it was a unique idea. I just didn't want to give away as much candy to the little kids. I figured that Play Doh would be a fun and safe treat without the sugar rush.
LogoAnn ended up coming over to help is handle the crowds of costumed kids. We even had scary Halloween music playing outside which I think may have scared a couple of kids.
All in all I figure we had about 125 kids. All the Play Doh was gone by the end of the night and most of the candy too (aside from the candy we actually ate - ok and the few containers of Play Doh we saved for ourselves). So all in all I'd say for a rainy Halloween we had a pretty successful Trick-or-Treat. I can't wait to decorate for Halloween next year!
Oh by the way - you may have noticed the official linking of my two blogs "NeonApple" and "NeonApple Baby Makin' ". If you haven't yet please check out the other site - the link is listed on the right of your screen. Exciting things are on the way there. First of all YES we are expecting and we are officially telling anyone and everyone at this point. Second - the baby may have a prenatal moment of fame. And Third - We find out in 2 weeks who is in there a boy or a girl. So stay posted and check each web blog often. I want to keep the info separate since I'd like to think I have more of a life than than just being pregnant. Not that expecting isn't enough already. I'd just like to think it doesn't consume every fiber of my being even if it actually does.
Make no mistake out there fans, it consumes all of her right now... But that is the way it's supposed to be...
logoANN, at 4:00 PM
Wow! Congratulations! I hope you aren't feeling too bad. Um, physically I mean, with the nausea and stuff.
Zegi, at 9:57 AM
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